All Categories > Organisation Settings
When a matter is set to aborted, you are able to record a reason why. This can then be reported on to identify trends. To edit the list of reasons why a matter is aborted: Navigate to Settings > Orga…
Technically there is no difference between “archived” or “completed” matters. The completed report includes matters that have been archived. The main difference is that archived matters can be filter…
Each matter has it's own unique reference. You can either enter these manually when a matter is created, or set up a system wide convention to reference your matters automatically. Automatically Refe…
Navigate to Settings > Organisation Settings > General to configure the below options: Twitter Handle. Add your twitter handle so it can be retrieved in templates using the data marker {{social.twitt…
Manage the email notifications for your organisation by vising Settings > Administration > Email Addresses. You will require permission to 'Edit Organisation Settings' to access this page. InTouch Bi…
When sending emails via the Outlook Plugin you're able to input pre-set information into the subject line using our Outlook Subject Convention. This allows you to automatically include matter or stak…