Outlook Subject Convention

When sending emails via the Outlook Plugin you're able to input pre-set information into the subject line using our Outlook Subject Convention.

This allows you to automatically include matter or stakeholder specific information within your subject lines!
To allow automatic population of your subject lines, ensure you are using the latest version of the Outlook Plugin.

To set up your Outlook Subject Convention:

  1. Within InTouch navigate to Settings
  2. Organisation Settings
  3. Advanced
  4. Within the Outlook Subject Convention text box, input the information you would like to be automatically included in your email subjects lines
    1. Use data markers to automatically include matter or stakeholder specific information i.e. {{matter.address.singleline}} to include the property address
This will only be applied to new emails which don't already contain a subject line.
To amend the subject lines of emails sent from InTouch, edit the email template.

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