Time recording report

The Time Recording Report allows you to obtain a list of time recording entries that have been raised on InTouch.

An efficient way of tracking the billable time spent on your matters.

Building the Time Recording Report

  1. Change the reporting timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
  2. (Optional) Status: filter the results by the entries current billing state
  3. (Optional) Team: filter the results by entries raised on matters associated with a particular team
  4. (Optional) Fee Earner: filter the results by entries raised on matters associated with a particular fee earner
  5. (Optional) Matters: filter results by entries raised on a particular matter template
  6. (Optional) Type: filter results by a particular type of time recording
  7. Run
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Time Recording Report

The table lists any time recording entries which adhere to the filters and timeframe selected.

The following information is provided for each entry:

  • Date of recording
  • Current status
  • Assigned fee earner
  • Associated matter reference
  • Type of entry and any notes recorded against it
  • Rate selected
  • Units/time recorded
  • Total amount
Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis.

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