Contacts report

The Contacts Report can be used to obtain data on the stakeholders associated with your matters.

This is a great way of obtaining contact information for marketing purposes.

Building the Contacts Report

  1. (Optional) Contacts: filter the results by contacts assigned as a particular stakeholder
    You can select as many stakeholders as required.
    1. Type refers to the category of stakeholder group they belong to, i.e. client, otherside client
    2. Name refers to the name of the stakeholder group they belong to, i.e. purchaser, vendor
    3. Archived refers to stakeholder groups that belong to archived matter templates
  2. (Optional) Matter State: filter the results by contacts associated with matters in a current state
  3. (Optional) Matter Type: filter the results by contacts associated with a particular matter template
    You can select as many matter templates as required.
  4. (Optional) + Condition: filter the results by data saved to a stakeholders contact card:
    1. If more than one condition is being applied, choose whether All or Any of the conditions need to be true
    2. Choose the data point you wish to filter by, i.e. Organisation
    3. Choose the manner in which you wish to filter the data i.e. Contains
    4. Depending on the selection chosen, enter the value you wish to filter against i.e. 'Example Estate Agency'
      In the example above, the results would be filtered by contacts with an Organisation field containing the text "Example Estate Agency"
      You can apply as many filters as required.
  5. (Optional) + Group: filter the results by an additional set of filters:
    1. Follow steps a-d above
    2. At the top of the condition applicator, choose whether All or Any of the groups need to be true
  6. Run
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Contacts Report

A list of contacts associated with your matters will be provided, along with the data saved to their contact fields.

If a contact is associated with more than one matter, they will only be shown in the list once.

Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis or to import it into an email marketing platform.

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