Matters report

The Matters Report allows you to choose specific data points to report on from across your matters and contacts.

This is the perfect tool for building bespoke reports for your organisation.

Building the Matters Report

  1. Change the reporting timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
  2. Select the Matter Template you wish to report on from the first dropdown list
  3. Choose which stakeholder group you wish to report on from the second dropdown list
    Data from the first contact in this group on your matters will be included.
  4. Select 'AND Condition' to filter the data by:
    1. The matter's reference containing specific text
    2. The matter's current state being set as Lead, Open, Completed, Aborted or Archived
    3. A matter's state being marked as Lead, Open, Completed, Aborted or Archived within the selected timeframe
    4. Matters assigned to a particular Fee earner
    5. Matters assigned to a particular Team
    6. Matters with a particular account figure
      This requires use of the InTouch accounts functionality. For further information, contact
    7. Matters with a completed or outstanding task
    8. Matters with a custom field matching a particular value
    9. Matters with stakeholder data matching a particular value
    You can apply as many filters as needed.
  5. Select 'Reference' to choose the data points that should be included in the report
    1. Use the search bar to find specific data points or select from the following groups:
      1. Default: data provided by the InTouch system
      2. Accounts: data from the accounts on the matter
        This requires the use of the accounts functionality. For further information please contact
      3. Contact ...: data from the chosen stakeholder's contact card
      4. Matter ...: data from the chosen matter template's custom fields
      5. Task: data on the time and date of task completions
  6. Run Report
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Matters Report

The table provides the requested data for each applicable matter.

Use the arrows to navigate through additional pages of data.

Select the page numbers to change the amount of data on display.

Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis.

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