
There are two types of Tasks:

  • Milestone tasks: can be used to record key milestones which are available to view in the Stakeholder Portal.
  • Child tasks: can be used to record sub-tasks and trigger automated actions. These are not available to view in the Stakeholder Portal.
For further guidance on customising your InTouch task list, watch our short training video!

Adding a Milestone Task

Within the 'Tasks' tab of a Matter Template:

  1. + Add
  2. Select the type of task:
    1. Standard: Provides a date / time audit history of which InTouch user has completed the task
    2. Create Email: Generates the selected email template within the matter
      Associating an email template to a milestone task will override any Automated Email settings ordinarily associated to that task.
    3. Esignature: Generates an ESignature request
    4. Order searches: Links to your integrated search provider platform
    5. AML check: Links to an AML provider platform
  3. Name: Provide a name for the task
  4. Notes: Add any notes to help your staff understand what actions need to be taken at this stage
    Include hyperlinks to easily direct users to external websites
  5. Who should see this task? Select which Stakeholders should be able to view this task within their Portal
  6. Stakeholder’s Description: Provide a description of the task to your Stakeholders, which will be visible within their portal / mobile app
    Provide anticipated time frames to set realistic expectations and reduce progress chasing phone calls.
  7. Completion Restrictions:
    1. Who can complete this task?
      1. Anybody: any staff member can complete the task
      2. Only the matter fee earner: only the fee earner can complete the task
      3. Only supervisors: only staff members with the supervisor permission can complete the task
    2. Require the following task to be completed first
      1. Select a task from the drop down list to ensure it's completed before this task
  8. When this task completes:
    1. Update matter state to “select matter state” when this task is completed : Choose to change the state of the matter, once the task is completed. This also applies when the task is completed via an external user returning an E-Signature or Form Widget.
      Matters can only be automatically set to aborted if the task is manually completed within a matter. This is so the reason for aborting can be recorded.
Once a milestone task has been added, you can then define any traffic light conditions and whether the task should be conditional.

Adding a Child Task

Within the 'Tasks' tab of a Matter Template:

  1. Select + Add child task under a milestone task
  2. Select the type of task
    1. Standard task: Provides a date / time audit history of which InTouch user has completed the task
    2. Create Document: Generates the selected document within the workflow
    3. Create Email: Generates the selected email template within the workflow
    4. Create SMS: Generates the selected SMS template within the workflow
    5. Complete Form: Generates the selected form which can be completed within the workflow
      Share the form widget directly with a Stakeholder to allow them to complete it within their InTouch mobile app.
      When a form associated with a matter is completed, either by your team or stakeholder, the associated task within your workflow will be ticked off with a date / time audit trail of who completed it.
    6. Create invoice: Generates an invoice within the workflow
      You must be using our Xero integration to generate invoices.
Once a child task has been added, you can then define any traffic light conditions that should be applied.

Editing a Task

  1. To edit a task, click on the task name and make the required changes
If you change the type of task, existing matters will update to reflect these changes.
If you change the template associated with a task, existing matters will update to reflect these changes.

Ordering Tasks

  1. Select 'Order Tasks'
  2. Drag and drop to the required position


Within the 'Actions' menu to the right hand side of a task, you are able to:

  • Update Existing Matters
    This will add the task to any matters of that template in a lead or open state.
Any amendments to pre-existing tasks aren't included in the task syncing process.
Completed, archived, aborted or deleted matters will not be affected.
If this is a child task, ensure the associated milestone already exists on the matter.
  • Remove
    This will permanently delete the task from the matter template.
The task will remain on any existing matters but any functionality assigned to it, will be removed.

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