Roles & permissions

Staff permissions allow you to define the areas of InTouch a staff member can access and make amendments to.

Changing a Staff Member's Permissions

To amend a staff member's permissions:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Staff
  2. Select the relevant staff member
  3. Roles & Permissions
  4. Determine their permission using the relevant checkboxes
  5. Save

The roles and permissions available are as follows:

These may appear differently, depending on which package you are using.

Fee Earner

Allows the user to be assigned to Matters and Form Widgets amongst other permissions


Allows the user to complete tasks which carry the supervisor permission

Matter Permissions

Delete Tasks from Matters

The user will be able to delete tasks from a matter

Delete Matter

The user will be able to delete matters

Deleted matters are permanently removed from InTouch after 31 days. Consider this permission carefully.

Contact Permissions

Merge Contacts

The user will be able to merge contacts

Configuration Permissions

Edit Email Templates

The user will be able to edit email templates

Edit Document Templates

The user will be able to edit document templates

Edit SMS Templates

The user will be able to edit SMS templates

Edit Form Widgets

The user will be able to edit forms

Edit Matter Templates

The user will be able to edit matter templates

Accounts Permissions

Can Approve Invoices

The user will be able to approve invoices

Can View Accounting Reports

The user will be able to view accounting reports

Edit Receivable Templates

The user will be able to edit receivable templates

Edit Chart of Accounts

The user will be able to edit Chart of Accounts

Manage Xero Connection

The user will be able to manage the Xero connection

Administrator Permissions

Edit Organisation Settings

The user will be able to edit organisation settings

Edit Teams

The user will be able to edit teams

Edit Staff

The user will be able to edit staff

Edit Custom Branding

The user will be able to make changes to your custom branding. This affects the portal set up and layout of emails

View InTouch billing

The user will be able to view InTouch invoices

Integration Permissions

Edit API keys

The user will be able to edit the organisations API keys

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