General ledger report

The General Ledger Report provides data on the transactions across your Client and Office Ledgers.

Use the following filters to customise the data provided:

  1. Search: If you wish to filter by a specific reference or amount
  2. Ledger: Choose which ledger you wish to report on; office / client
  3. Type: Choose the type of transaction you wish to report on; client to client / client to office
  4. Reversed: Choose whether to include void transactions
  5. Date Range: Select the timeframe you wish to report on
  6. Select Run Report to generate the data

The data is displayed in a table, including details on:

  1. Date: The date of the transaction
  2. Matter: The reference of the matter the transaction is raised against
  3. Details: The description given to the transaction
  4. The figures associated with the transaction:
    1. VAT: The amount of VAT applied
    2. Debit: The amount debited to the ledger
    3. Credit: The amount credited to the ledger
    4. Gross: The gross amount of the transaction
  5. Xero: A link to the associated transaction on Xero

Totals are displayed at the bottom of the table.

Use the arrows in the top right corner if the entries fall across multiple pages.

Click Export to download the data in a .csv file.

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