Timeframe report

The Timeframe Report quickly calculates the average period of time taken between:

  • A matter being created and a specific task being completed
  • Two specific tasks being completed
This helps you to understand how long it's taking to progress your matters, and identify areas where you can implement more efficiencies.

Building the Timeframe Reports

To report on the average period of time between a matter being created and a specific task being completed:

  1. Change the reporting timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
  2. From the top dropdown list, choose the Matter Template you wish to report on
  3. From the next dropdown list, choose the task you wish to include within the calculation
  4. Run Report

To report on the average period of time between two specific tasks being completed:

  1. Change the reporting timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
  2. From the bottom dropdown list, choose the Matter Template you wish to report on
  3. From the next dropdown list, choose the task you wish to start the calculation from
  4. From the next dropdown list, choose the task you wish to end the calculation on
  5. Run Report
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Timeframe Reports

The report will display the average period of time taken between the two conditions chosen.

The days shown are calendar days rather than working days.

Only matters created within the reporting timeframe will be included.

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