Timeframe report

The Timeframe Report allows you to gain data on the average amount of time taken for tasks to be completed.

This is a great report to use to understand how long it's taking to progress your matters.

There are 2 separate reports:

  1. Report on the average number of days it takes for a task to be completed once a matter has been created:
    1. Change the timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
    2. Select the matter template you wish to report on
    3. Choose the task you'd like to gain data on
    4. Run Report
      The time shown is the average amount of time taken between a matter being created and the selected task being completed.
  2. Report on the average number of days it takes between two tasks being completed:
    1. Change the timeframe in the right hand corner
    2. Select the matter template you wish to report on
    3. Choose the tasks you'd like to gain data on
    4. Run Report
      The time shown is the average amount of time taken between the first task being completed and the second.
The days shown are calendar days, not working.
Use the saved reports functionality to save a report with lots of filters, saving you time next time you wish to generate the same report

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