Folder trash can
A Folder's trash can allows users to remove items from the matter's Folder without them being permanently deleted.
Adding items to the trash can
Items can be added to the Folder's trash can in two ways:
- Within a matter, select the Folder tab
- Find the item you wish to moveMake use of the Folder's filters and search bar to easily find the items you are looking for.
- Select the '...' icon next to the item
- Choose Move to Trash
The item will be removed from the Folder but can be restored if needed.
In Bulk
- Within a matter, select the Folder tab
- Select Trash in the top right hand corner
- Select the item(s) you wish to moveItems can be searched for by name or any labels applied
- Confirm you would like them to be sent to the matter's trash can
The item(s) will be removed from the Folder but can be restored if needed.
Restoring items from the trash can
- Within the matter, select the Folder tab
- Select the Trash Can filter on the lefthand side of the Folder
- Find the item you wish to restoreMake use of the search bar to easily find the item that you are looking for.
- Select Restore to the right hand side of the item
The item will be moved back to the Folder into it's original position.