How stakeholder's use the InTouch portal

The InTouch portal can be used by your stakeholders to follow their transaction's progress.

There are 2 different types of portal available: the Web or Mobile App.

The InTouch mobile app can be accessed by searching "InTouch - Your Property Portal" within the relevant app store.
Learn how to configure the InTouch portal in this help document.
To see how the InTouch portal is used from your Stakeholders perspective, watch this short demonstration!

Creating an account

A stakeholder can create an InTouch account in two ways:

Any matter stakeholder is able to sign up for an InTouch portal account and this allows them to complete forms with matter stakeholder restrictions applied. However, stakeholders can only view their matter within the portal if they have been granted permission within the matter template.

Using either of these methods, the stakeholder will be asked to set their account password and agree to InTouch's terms of service.

They then have access to use the InTouch portal moving forwards.

A stakeholder's username is always the email address that is saved to your matter.

Accessing their matter

To access a matter within the stakeholder portal, select Properties from the lefthand side menu and choose the transaction from the list provided.

The search bar can be used to find a transaction by the reference or property address.
If a matter can't be found, try changing the filter from 'Open' to 'Closed Recently' or 'Archived'.

Viewing updates

Within a matter, the stakeholder has access to:

  • A percentage ring, which shows how far away the property is from completion
  • Stakeholder information that has been set as visible within the matter template
  • Your organisation's information, including the fee earner's name and email address
  • A bespoke copy of your task list and the task's completion status
    The tasks that are visible to the stakeholder have been configured within the matter template.
  • Details of any task descriptions, provided within the matter template
    These can be viewed by selecting the question mark icon next to the relevant task.
  • A copy of any notes added to the tasks on the matter
These can be viewed by selecting the speech bubble icon next to the relevant task.
  • A copy of any documents that have been shared with them
    Documents can be downloaded by selecting the file link within the portal.
    Documents can be sorted by their name and date they were shared.

Sharing documents

Stakeholders can add documents to the portal, and these will automatically attach to your matter's Folder tab.

To share a document within the portal, navigate to the matter and within the document section select 'Upload' and find the file on the device.


The following options are only available within the web portal.

To access the security settings within the portal, select Security in the bottom lefthand corner.

Here, the stakeholder has the ability to:

  • Manage their account's password
    Select 'Change' in the top right hand corner to amend the password associated with the portal account.
  • Manage their account's Two-Step Authentication
    Choose to activate App based two-step authentication.
    Email based two-step authenticaion will be enabled by defalult.
  • Manage their account's Active Sessions
    Active sessions are the different applications that are currently signed into the InTouch account.
    They can force sign out of these sessions at any time by selecting Sign Out next to the individual session or Sign Out All.
  • Manage their account's Trusted Devices
    A trusted device is one that has signed into InTouch previously with the Trusted Device checkbox ticked.
    These devices are remembered for 30 days, and do not require Two-Step authentication within that time.
    A trusted device can be removed by selecting Forget next to the individual device or Forget All.
  • View their account's log in history
    The log in history provides an audit trail of the attempted sign-in's to the InTouch account.

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