Microsoft Exchange Server 365

If you use Microsoft Exchange 365 for your emails, you can configure this to automatically attach your emails to the relevant matter inside InTouch.

These actions require admin rights to the exchange 365 server.

Creating a Transport Rule

  1. Login to your Office 365 Exchange admin panel with a valid Office 365 administrator account
  2. Select 'mail flow' in the left column and ensure 'rules' is selected in the central pane
  3. Select '+' and 'Create a new rule'
  4. In the new window, select the 'More options' link
  5. Enter a name for the transport rule
    This can be anything you like but we suggest 'Send email to InTouch'.
  6. Under the '*Apply this rule if' dropdown menu, select 'The subject or body' 
  7. Under the sub-menu select 'subject matches these text patterns'
  8.  In the pop-out window text field enter "ITR:*", select '+', then OK
  9. Under the '*Do the following' dropdown menu, select 'Add recipients'
  10. Under the sub-menu select 'to the Bcc box' and then the 'Select people' link to the right of the drop-down menu
  11. In the new window enter the relevant email address:
    1. For the UK and Channel Islands:
    2. For Australian customers:
  12. Select Check Names, and then OK
  13. At the bottom of the new rule window, Save

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