Legacy form fees

This help document is for our Legacy Forms. For a better user experience we recommend using our latest form builder which offers additional features and a more user friendly design.

If you are creating a quote calculator, follow the below steps to define your fees.

For furthe guidance on configuring fees within an InTouch Legacy Form, watch our short training video.

Adding a New Fee

  1. Within the legacy form, navigate to the 'Quote' step
  2. Select '+ Fee' at the bottom right of your screen
  3. Provide a Name for your fee, which will be displayed to the user
  4. Provide the fee with a data marker
    1. The data marker must begin with 'fees'.
      For example, fees.purchase.legal.fee
    2. Define the data marker on the relevant matter template
    The fee can then be recalled within document and email templates. Great when producing Completion Statements!
  5. Select the correct tax rate from the drop down list
    If your fee has VAT applied, don't forget to define the tax rate data marker.
  6. Hide this fee: Define a condition which will hide the fee from the quote provided
    1. Select the question that will define the condition
    2. Select whether the answer should 'Equal' or 'Does not Equal' the value provided
    3. Provide the conditional value
      For example: 'Is this property a New Build?' 'Equals' 'No'
  7. Fee Calculation: Provide the amount of the fee.
    1. For fixed fees, input a numerical value, such as 100.00.
    2. For conditional fees, use a calculation.
      For example;{{#if property.price > 1000000}} 1000 {{#else}} 750 {{#endif}}
      This equates to: If the property price is more than 1,000,000 the fee is 1,000, otherwise it is 750
  8. Notes: Provide additional information about the fee. The user can access this information by clicking on the question mark next to the fee on the form's quote.
    This is a great way to explain to your client why a fee is being charged.
  9. Automatically create a receivable: Choose whether a receivable should be created on the matter when the fee is quoted.
    1. Choose the account the receivable should be raised against.
    This requires use of the InTouch accounting package. For further information please contact support@intouch.cloud.
Editing a Fee

Select the Edit button on the relevant fee.

Deleting a Fee

Select the Delete button on the relevant fee.

Copying a Fee

Select the Copy button on the relevant fee.

This is a great way of transferring a fee from a different form, saving you time typing the same thing out all over again.
Ordering Fees

Simply drag and drop your fees into the required position

Quote Emails

Once a conveyancing quote calculator has been filled in, it can automatically send a quote to your client.

  1. Navigate to the Form's Settings
  2. Select 'Send an email to primary client'
    1. Choose the appropriate email template
  3. Save
If you haven't created a bespoke email template select 'Default Calculator Quote'.

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