Configuring the stakeholder portal

The InTouch portal can be used by your stakeholders to follow their transaction's progress and complete various tasks.

There are 2 different types of portal available: the Web or Mobile App.

The InTouch mobile app can be accessed by searching "InTouch - Your Property Portal" within the relevant app store.

When configuring the portal, consider the following:


Any matter stakeholder is able to sign up for an InTouch portal account and this allows them to complete forms with matter stakeholder restrictions applied.

However, stakeholders can only view their matter within the portal if they have been granted permission within the matter template.

Choose which of your stakeholders you would like to grant this permission to.

Task Visibility

If a stakeholder is able to view their transaction within the InTouch portal, you can also choose which of your matter tasks are available for them to track.

These tasks will update in real-time, each time action is taken at your side.

Choose which of your tasks you would like visible to each of your stakeholders within the matter template.

Accompany this with your automated email settings so your stakeholders receive real time updates.
If you are not making use of the Automatic Welcome Email, you will need to ensure your stakeholders receive a manual invite to the stakeholder portal.

Task Descriptions

If a stakeholder is able to view tasks within the InTouch portal, you can add descriptions to these as a way of providing further information.

This is a great way of providing answers to frequently asked questions.

Add or amend these descriptions within the tasks on your matter template.

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