Automatically creating receivables

Receivables can be automatically created on a matter in three ways:

  • On completion of a quotation calculator
  • Through ordering a search
  • When raising a time recording entry

Quotation Calculator

Receivables can be automatically added to a matter when a quotation calculator is completed:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Form Widgets
  2. Select Edit on the relevant Quote Calculator
  3. Navigate to the Quote step
  4. Select Edit on the fee you would like to automatically generate into a receivable
    You can do this for as many fees as you like.
  5. At the bottom of the fee, tick Automatically create a receivable
  6. Select the Account type you would like the receivable created against
  7. Save

The next time the quote calculator is completed and the fee is applicable, a corresponding receivable will be raised on the matter.

Receivables can be automatically generated when a search is ordered through one of our integrated partners:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Accounts > Search Integrations
  2. Choose to create receivables in the relevant account
  3. Select the correct Tax Option to determine whether VAT should be recorded separately or included in the total

The next time a search is ordered on a matter, a supplier receivable will be created and allocated against the search provider.

Ensure your matters are configured to allow for searches to be ordered, within your matter templates.

Time recording

Time recording entries can be automatically converted to receivables:

  1. When creating a new time recording, ensure Chargeable to Client is selected
  2. Within the time recording tab on the matter, select + Create Receivables
  3. Select which line item(s) you wish to convert to a receivable
  4. Confirm
  5. Optional: allocate the receivable against a supplier
  6. Select the Account the receivable should be raised against
  7. Create Receivable

The receivable will be raised within the accounts tab on the matter, and the time recording entry is no longer marked as outstanding.

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