Forms on a matter

Forms can be completed on a matter in 3 ways:

  • From a task
This requires the form to be embedded into the matter's task list.
A great way of collecting information from your matter stakeholders!

From a task

  1. Within a matter, select the relevant task within the workflow
  2. The form will open in a pop-out window
  3. Complete the form as required

From the Folder tab

  1. Within the matter, select the Folder tab
  2. Select Form in the top toolbar
    For devices with smaller screens, this will be located within the + New dropdown list.
  3. Choose the required form by:
    1. Navigating through the folders
    2. Typing the form name in the search bar
  4. Follow steps 2 - 3 above

By a third party

Forms can be shared with third parties so that they can be completed at their end.

  1. Share the form with the required user
    This can be done through email or within the InTouch mobile app!
  2. The user will then have access to complete the form at their end

Form submissions

When a form is submitted to a matter, a copy of the submission will be saved to the Folder tab.

Forms making use of our legacy builder can only be submitted to matters in a Lead or Open state.
Forms making use of our latest builder can be submitted to matters in a Lead, Open or Completed state.

Once a form has been accepted:

Some forms may require a manual review before they are accepted.
  • The matter's data will update to that contained within the form
  • Any automatic emails configured within the form will be sent
  • Any associated Form tasks on the matter will complete
  • Any receivables configured within the form will generate
  • Any webhooks will be trigger

Form actions

Finding form submissions

Locate any form submissions within a matter by using:

  • The search bar at the top of the Folder
  • The filters on the lefthand side of the Folder
    • Filter by Type to only display form completions saved to a matter
      Only forms submitted through our latest Form Builder will show within this filter.
    • Use the Labels filter to only see items with a particular label applied

Previewing form submissions

You can preview a form submission on a matter in three ways:

  1. Select the form submission on a matter to open a preview
  2. Select the '...' icon next to the file and select 'Open in Popout'
  3. Select the '...' icon next to the file and select 'Open in a New Tab'
    This is helpful if you wish to view the item on a different screen.
    Items can also be opened in a new tab through the following actions:
    • Hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on the item within the Folder tab
    • Hover over the item within the Folder tab and click your mouse scroll wheel
    • Right click on the item within the Folder tab and 'open in new tab'

This allows you to:

  • Zoom into the form submission
  • Download the form submission
  • Print the form submission
  • Change the viewing settings

Pinning form submissions

Pinning allows you to fix an item to the top of the Folder tab so it's always easily accessible.

Select the pin icon next to the form submission to add it to your pinned items.

Add as many pinned items as you like to your matters.
Pinned items will be arranged by the date the item was created/added to the Folder.

Resubmitting forms

This functionality is only available for forms using our latest Form Builder.
  1. In the Folder tab, select the '...' icon next to the form submission
  2. Select Resubmit
  3. Complete the form as required
  4. A new form submission will be saved to the matter with any associated actions assigned to it
    Resubmitted forms are always automatically accepted.

Labelling form submissions

Labels allow you to categorise files so you can easily find them on a matter.

Select the Label icon next to a form submission to apply up to 3 labels to that item.

If a label has already been applied, select the existing label to add or edit them further.

Downloading form submissions

You can download a form submission on a matter in two ways:

This allows you to obtain a PDF copy of the form submission.
  1. Select the download icon next to the form submission on the matter
  2. Select the '...' icon next to the file and select 'Download'
If you require a copy of all items on the matter, use the export functionality.

Assigning form submissions for review

To notify a team member of a form submission on a matter:

  1. Within the Folder tab, select the '...' icon next to the form submission you would like reviewed
  2. Choose the user you would like to review the form submission
  3. Add a message, if required
  4. Choose whether to send an email notification

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