Esignatures - Forms

Signatures can be acquired from your stakeholders within an InTouch form.

This is a useful way of verifying the information they have provided is correct.

When the form is used:

  • The user is presented with a screen inviting them to provide an electronic signature.
  • They are made aware the signature is legally binding and that they agree to the user terms.
  • The PDF document that's created once a form is submitted will contain the users signature at the end, with a full audit trail.

To use this functionality, follow the steps below depending on the type of form this is being configured for:

For further guidance on adding Esignatures in our latest form builder, watch our short training video.
  1. Navigate to Settings > Forms
  2. Select the tab the form belongs to
    1. Forms (our latest form builder)
      1. Open the folder the form belongs to
      2. Select Builder on the relevant form
      3. Navigate to the step you would like the esignature to be placed in
      4. Select Esignature on the right hand side of the form builder
    2. Legacy Forms
      Our Forms tab provides you with our latest Form Builder which contains enhanced functionality and a more user friendly design.
      1. Select Edit on the relevant form
        1. Add a new Step
          1. Provide a Name
          2. Select the Type: Esignature

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