Traffic lights

Traffic lights alert users when a task or child task need reviewing.

The alert shows at the top of a matter and the matter homepage.

Red lights over-rule amber lights. Use amber lights to bring attention and red lights for urgent matters.
For further guidance on how to apply traffic lights, watch our short training video!

Configuring Traffic Light Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > Matters
  2. Select the relevant Matter Template
  3. Navigate to the Tasks tab
  4. Each task has a column for Amber or Red Lights, select Edit to apply the relevant traffic light:
    1. This task has no effect: the task will never trigger a traffic light.
    2. If this task is outstanding and the matter has not been updated in () days: the task will trigger a traffic light if it remains incomplete after the specified number of days.
      This number can be configured within your organisation settings.
    3. If this task is outstanding and [task] has completed () days ago: the task will trigger a traffic light if the task is incomplete and the other selected task completed within the specified time frame.
      This option is not available on the first task within your matter template.
      This traffic light setting will only apply to newly opened matters.
    4. If this task is outstanding and [custom field] is within () days: the task will trigger a traffic light if the date field is within the specified timeframe.
      You must have custom fields set up as a date type to use this traffic light.
      This is great for counting down to an important date such as the mortgage expiry date.
    5. If this task is outstanding and the matter was created () days ago: the task will trigger a traffic light if it remains incomplete after the number of days specified since the Matter was created.
If your matter is not progressing, to stop traffic lights appearing place your matter on hold.
Traffic lights will not be triggered on matters in a completed or aborted state. This is to avoid any unnecessary alerts on matters that aren't actively being worked on.

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