Not applicable tasks
If a task is not relevant to a particular transaction, it can be marked as Not Applicable to dissociate it from the Matters workflow.
For example, a task to receive proof of a gifted deposit will only be needed if the client is using a gifted deposit.
Instead of deleting the task or leaving it as incomplete, you can mark it as 'not applicable'. This retains a correct audit trail whilst ensuring a tailored workflow for all your matters.
How to mark a task 'Not Applicable'
- Navigate to the relevant matter
- Select the Settings Cog next to the not applicable task
- Choose 'Not Applicable'
The task will be minimised and greyed out on the workflow.
To restore the task, select the task and choose 'Yes' in the pop-out window asking if you'd like to make the task applicable.
Once marked as 'Not Applicable' the task will:
- No longer show on the Stakeholder Portal, even if previously marked as visible
- The completion percentage shown in the Portal will no longer consider this task in it's calculation
- Any traffic light settings applied to the task will no longer come into effect
- The task won't be considered in the Task Completed or Outstanding report