Adding data markers to PDFs

Include data markers within PDF documents to automatically recall matter or contact information when generated on a matter.

To add data markers
You will need to have software which allows you to edit a PDF document
  1. Launch your PDF editor
  2. Upload the PDF document you wish to edit
  3. Select Form field
  4. Select Type, for example text
  5. Drag your mouse to create a field
  6. Right click on the field
  7. Select object properties
  8. Enter the data marker within the name field
Ensure the data marker contains these brackets at the start and end {{ }}
  1. Click save/ok
If your document already contains data markers
  1. Right click on the field
  2. Select unlock form field
  3. Right click on the field again
  4. Select object properties
  5. Within the name field add your data marker, for example {{matter.address.singleline}}
  6. If a data marker already shows in the field, amend accordingly

Once complete, save your document and upload to InTouch.

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