Tasks breakdown report

The Tasks Breakdown Report displays the number of completions for a specific task within a chosen time period.

This allows you to easily compare the number of different users completing a specific task.

Building the Tasks Breakdown Report

  1. Change the reporting timeframe by selecting a date from the calendar icon. The report will output the number of tasks completions for:
    1. The selected date
    2. The week the date falls within
    3. The month the date falls within
  2. Choose the Matter Template you would like to report on
  3. Select the task you would like to gain data on
  4. (Optional) Within the table, choose a Custom Field to be included in the results

Understanding the Tasks Breakdown Report

The table displays the number of completions for the chosen task within the defined time period.

The timeframe is broken down into the chosen day, week and month.

The number of task completions is broken down into:

  • The user that completed the task
  • The team the user belongs to
  • The Fee Earner the matter's task belongs to
  • The team the matter belongs to
    Select the cross icon to remove any of these from the report.

The final row displays any data recorded against the chosen custom field.

Select the numbers within the table to view a list of matters that make up the data.

Only data for matters in the Lead or Open state is included.

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