Matter balances report

The Matter Balances Report provides details on the account balances across your matters.

Use the following filters to customise the data provided:

  1. Team: Choose to filter between matters assigned to certain Teams on InTouch
  2. Fee Earner: Choose to filter between matters assigned to certain Fee Earners on InTouch
  3. Day: Select the date you wish to view data from
  4. Matters: Choose to filter between matters in a certain state; Lead or Open / all matters
  5. Balances: Choose to filter between matters with a certain type of balance; all /with outstanding receivable / outstanding client invoice / outstanding supplier bill / office balance / client balance / client & office balance / office balance in breach / client balance in breach / outstanding client invoice & client balance
  6. Select Run Report to generate the data

The data is displayed in a table, including details on:

  1. Fee Earner: The name of the Fee Earner assigned to the matter
  2. Matter: The reference of the matter the balance is raised against
  3. Matter State: The matters current state
  4. Figures:
    1. Receivables: Total amount of any outstanding receivables
    2. Invoices: Total amount of any outstanding invoices
    3. Bills: Total amount of any outstanding supplier bills
  5. Ledgers:
    1. Office: Total balance recorded on the office ledger
    2. Client: Total balance recorded on the client ledger
  6. Last Ledger Transaction: Date of the last recorded action on the ledger

Totals are displayed at the bottom of the table.

Use the arrows in the top right corner if the entries fall across multiple pages.

Click Export to download the data in a .csv file or PDF to download the data to a PDF file

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