Form submissions report

The Form Submissions Report provides data on the number of times your form widgets have been completed within the selected timeframe.

This report is great for gaining an understanding of the usage of any form widgets embedded on your website.
  1. Change the timeframe using the calendar icon in the right hand corner
  2. Run Report to generate the data

The columns within the table represent the following:

  • The name of the form widget i.e. 'Quote Calculator'
  • The name of the form i.e. 'Purchase Quote'
  • The number of submissions

Select the data within the table to access:

  • The matter reference associated with the form submission (if applicable)
  • The name of the user who completed the form submission
  • The date of the submission

Use the arrows to see additional forms, if they fall across multiple pages.

Click Export to download the data in a .csv file.

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