Editing a contact's details

Take care when updating contact information, please be aware of the following:
  • Changes made to contact cards will automatically apply to any matter that contact is involved with.
  • Changing a contact's email address will change their login within the Stakeholder Portal.
  • Changing a contact's email address will associate that contact to any existing matters which already have that email in use.
  • If an incorrect stakeholder is added to a matter, we do not recommend editing their contact card. Remove the incorrect contact and add the right one instead.

Editing Contacts

Editing contact information can be done:

  • Within a matter
  • Within your Contact settings
Within a matter
  1. Select 'Edit' on the Stakeholders contact card
  2. Open the relevant group to find it's data point
  3. Add or edit the information
  4. Save
Within your Contact settings
  1. Navigate to the Contacts area located in the left-hand sidebar
  2. Search via name, email, phone number or organisation
    The first 50 entries matching your search criteria will be shown. Select 'Next' at the bottom of the page to see more.
  3. Select the desired contact
  4. Follow steps 2 - 4 above

Default Contact Fields

By default the following fields are provided on a stakeholder's contact card:

New fields can be added through Contact Field Definitions.
  • Information
    • Forename
    • Middle Name
    • Surname
    • Email
    • Phone Number
    • Organisation Name
  • Notes: a place to save any extra information related to the stakeholder.
    These notes are just for internal use and cannot be seen by the stakeholder.
  • Matters: a list of matters that stakeholder is involved with.
  • Shared Forms: any forms that are currently shared with that stakeholder
    This section is only applicable if you are using an InTouch custom mobile app.
  • Documents: a place to upload and store any documents relating to the stakeholder.
    These documents are just for internal use and cannot be seen by the stakeholder.
  • Xero Contact: a place to link your contact with Xero.
    This section is only applicable if you are using the InTouch accounts functionality.

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