Land registry fees

To add Land Registry fees into a quote calculator:

  1. Navigate to your Quote Calculator Fees
  2. Create or Edit an existing Land Registration fee
  3. Copy and paste the following formula
If you use different data markers for the Property Price, change the data marker to match your own within the calculation.
Please ensure you select the correct calculation type from the list below, depending on how you submit your Land Registry.

Purchase Transactions (Scale 1 Fees)

Whole / Registered Titles:

{{#if property.price>=1000001}} 500

{{#elseif property.price>=500001}} 295

{{#elseif property.price>=200001}} 150

{{#elseif property.price>=100001}} 100

{{#elseif property.price>=80001}} 40

{{#else}} 20


Postal Applications and/or Part / Unregistered Titles:

{{#if property.price>=1000001}} 1,105

{{#elseif property.price>=500001}} 655

{{#elseif property.price>=200001}} 330

{{#elseif property.price>=100001}} 230

{{#elseif property.price>=80001}} 95

{{#else}} 45


Using Varying Fee Scales:

Use further {{#if}} statements to include multiple variables into your Land Registry fees. For example,


{{#if property.price>=1000001}} 500

{{#elseif property.price>=500001}} 295

{{#elseif property.price>=200001}} 150

{{#elseif property.price>=100001}} 100

{{#elseif property.price>=80001}} 40

{{#else}} 20



{{#if property.price>=1000001}} 1,105

{{#elseif property.price>=500001}} 655

{{#elseif property.price>=200001}} 330

{{#elseif property.price>=100001}} 230

{{#elseif property.price>=80001}} 95

{{#else}} 45


Re-Mortgage & Transfer of Equity Transactions (Scale 2 Fees)

Whole / Registered Titles:

{{#if property.price >= 1000001}} 140

{{#elseif property.price >= 500001}} 65

{{#elseif property.price >=200001}} 45

{{#elseif property.price >= 100001}} 30

{{#else}} 20 


Postal Applications and/or Part / Unregistered Titles:

{{#if property.price >= 1000001}} 305

{{#elseif property.price >= 500001}} 145

{{#elseif property.price >=200001}} 100

{{#elseif property.price >= 100001}} 70

{{#else}} 45 


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