Custom data report

The Custom Data Report provides a bar graph displaying the range and quantity of data saved to a Custom Field.

This is a quick way of viewing how your data is distributed, for example, how many freehold properties you are acting for compared to leasehold.

Building the Custom Data Report

  1. (Optional) Matters: filter the results by data saved to a particular matter template(s)
    You can select as many matter templates as required.
  2. Field: choose the custom field you would like to view data on
  3. Recorded In: set the timeframe you wish to view data from:
    1. Manually, by selecting from the two calendars
    2. Automatically, by selecting the downwards arrow and choosing from the pre-defined time periods
    3. Automatically, by selecting the downwards arrow and calculating a custom time period:
      1. Count: enter the amount you wish to subtract from the current date
      2. Day/Month/Year: choose the unit of time
      3. Include today/this month/this year: choose whether to include the current day/month/year within the calculation
      4. Apply
  4. Run
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Custom Data Report

The bar graph displays the range and quantity of data saved to each matter's custom field.

Only data entered within the chosen timeframe will be included.

Hover over the individual bars to view the number of matters that make up the data.

Select the individual bars to access a list of matters that make up the data.

Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis.

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