Automated email settings

Automated emails can be used to keep your stakeholders up to date on their transaction.

There are four automated emails you can make use of:

Configure the content of these emails within your email settings.



Name of Default Template

Automatic Welcome Email

To invite new stakeholders to use the InTouch portal.

Sent 20 minutes after the first visible task of a matter is complete.

If the stakeholder has already been invited to use the InTouch portal, the Automatic Update Email will be sent instead.

"Automatic Welcome Email"

Automatic Update Email

To notify stakeholders when:

- A task has been completed

- A task note has been added

Sent 20 minutes after:

- A visible milestone task is completed

- A note is added to a visible task

"Automatic Update Email"

Automatic Document Visibility Email

To notify stakeholders that a new document is available in their InTouch portal.

Sent immediately after a document is shared with a stakeholder.

You will need to set up an appropriate template to be used in this scenario.

Automatic Completion Email

To notify stakeholders that a matter has completed.

Sent 24 hours after a matter state is set to "completed".

"Automatic Completion Email"

Visible tasks are those that are shared with a stakeholder.
The automatic update email is not sent if an alternative email is sent to the stakeholder within the time between task completion and the automated email being queued for sending.

Configuring automated emails

To determine which stakeholders receive the automated emails:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Matters
  2. Select the relevant Matter Template
  3. Navigate to the Stakeholders tab
  4. Click the pencil symbol next to the relevant Stakeholder
  5. Select which automated emails the stakeholder should receive and which email templates should be used
  6. Save
For further guidance on the automated email settings within InTouch, please watch our short training video!

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