White labelling

White labelling allows you to apply different branding to specific matters on your account.

This is great if you work on behalf of other organisations, such as Estate Agents.
Not all InTouch packages have access to this functionality. For further information, please contact support@intouch.cloud.

Setting up a new white labelled client

  1. Items Required from your Client
    To get started, please request the following items from your client:
    1. The email address they would like you to send correspondence from i.e. salesprogression@exampleestateagency.co.uk.
      Ensure they grant you access to this email account before continuing onto the next steps.
    2. The logo(s) they would like featured within their InTouch portal and email headers.
    3. The email signature they would like adding to the correspondence sent from InTouch.
  2. Email Set Up
    To enable InTouch to send emails from your client's address, some settings need applying to their domain.
    To obtain these settings, please email us at support@intouch.cloud, including a copy of the email address your client would like for you to use.
    We will provide you with the settings that then need applying at your client's end.
    Please don't forget to notify us when these settings have been applied, so that the domain can be added to your account.
  3. InTouch Configuration
    The following steps then need to be followed within InTouch:
    1. Create a new Team:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Teams
      2. 'Add'
      3. Enter your client's organisation details
      4. Confirm
    2. Create a new user profile:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Staff
      2. '+ Add Staff Member'
      3. Enter the name and email address your client would like for you to use
      4. Access the Welcome Email that has been sent to the address provided
      5. Follow the link to set up the account password
        Your client should not have direct access to this account. We suggest permanently deleting the welcome email once the account has been created.
    3. Set up app based two-step authentication
      1. Within your new user account, navigate to Settings > Security
      2. Set up app based authentication to safeguard against any attempted access by your client.
    You will need to sign back into your own InTouch account to complete the following steps.
    1. Configure the user's staff profile:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Staff
      2. Select the new user's profile
      3. Select 'Roles & Permissions'
      4. Determine which actions they are able to perform within InTouch
        Ensure the "Fee Earner" permission is applied.
      5. Select 'Email Signature'
      6. Copy and paste the email signature they would like you to use into InTouch
      7. Save
    2. Create a new matter template:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Matters
      2. Select 'Actions' next to your preferred workflow
      3. 'Clone'
      4. Select the newly created matter template
      5. Rename it after your client's organisation i.e. "Example Estate Agency"
    3. Configure the organisation's branding:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Custom Branding
      2. Select '+ Brand'
      3. Name it after your client's organisation i.e. "Example Estate Agency"
      4. Upload their logo and change the colour scheme
        Make use of the colour picker to match the portal branding to the organisation's logo.
      5. Save
      6. Select the 'Branding Usages' tab
      7. Next to the organisation's matter template, select their branding
      8. Save
    4. [Optional] If you make use of a file opening form:
      1. Navigate to Settings > Forms
      2. Select 'Builder' next to your current file opening form
      3. Select 'Duplicate Form' from the lefthand side menu
      4. Choose the Folder you would like the new form to sit within
      5. Find the newly created form
      6. Select 'Options'
      7. Rename the form after your client's organisation i.e. "Example Estate Agency"
      8. Assign the form to your client's matter template
      9. Assign the form to your client's staff profile
For further guidance on the above, watch our short training video.

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