Conversions report

The Conversions Report provides a bar graph and comparison table for the number of matters converted to the state Lead, Opened, Completed and Aborted across selected time periods.

This is an essential tool for tracking matter state conversions, i.e. the number of matters completed this year compared to last.

Building the Conversions Report

  1. Date Range: choose the timeframe you wish to report on:
    1. Manually, by selecting from the two calendars
    2. Automatically, by selecting the downwards arrow and choosing from the pre-defined time periods
    3. Automatically, by selecting the downwards arrow and calculating a custom time period:
      1. Count: enter the amount you wish to subtract from the current date
      2. Day/Month/Year: choose the unit of time
      3. Include today/this month/this year: choose whether to include the current day/month/year within the calculation
      4. Apply
  2. (Optional) Compare with: select a previous time period to compare this data to
  3. (Optional) Team / Fee Earner: filter the results by matters associated with a particular team or fee earner
    You can select as many teams and fee earners as required.
  4. (Optional) Matter Template: filter the results by matters associated to a specific matter template
    You can select as many matter templates as required.
  5. (Optional) Exclude Team / Fee Earners with no data: choose to remove any teams and fee earners that have no applicable data
    This ensures you are always looking at the most relevant data points!
  6. Run
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.

Understanding the Conversions Report

Line Graph

The line graph displays the number of matters converted to each state across the defined time period.

Matters that have been deleted are not included.

Each state is represented by a different coloured line within the graph:

  • Leads (orange)
  • Opened (blue)
  • Completed (green)
  • Aborted (red)

Hover over the data points to view the number of matters that make up the data.

Select from the matter state key to temporarily remove a matter state from the graph.

This is helpful if you are only interested in looking at a particular matter state's data.

The table provides a breakdown and comparison of these matters.

Select the matter states you would like to view and compare from the first two columns.

The table will provide:

  • The total number of matters converted to that state across the selected time periods
  • The total number of those matters assigned to a specific team and fee earner
    If you have chosen to exclude teams and fee earners with no data associated to them, these won't be shown.
  • The conversion rate for the two states across the selected time periods
Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis.

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