Receivable actions

Once you have raised a receivable there are numerous actions you can take:


The actions menu on the right hand side of the receivable, allows you to:

  1. Edit: Make any changes to the raised receivable.
  2. Clone: Raise another receivable with the same details.
  3. Void: Void the outstanding receivable.

Invoice State

The Invoice State column allows you to:

  1. Raise Invoice: Create a client invoice from the receivable.
  2. Mark as Invoiced: Manually mark the receivable as invoiced, without creating an invoice or affecting the ledgers or Xero.

Once these actions have been taken, you're able to:

  • Clone or Void the receivable, under the 'Actions' menu.
  • Revert the receivable to outstanding, through the 'Invoice State' dropdown menu.
Reverted receivables will remain on any previously raised invoices.

Supplier State

The following actions will only show if you select a supplier when raising the receivable.

The Supplier State column allows you to:

  1. Pay Direct from Client Account: Pay the disbursement directly from the Client account. Your Client ledger will be updated accordingly and the receivable marked as invoiced.

Once this action has been taken, you're able to:

  • Clone or Void the receivable, under the 'Actions' menu.
  • Revert the receivable to outstanding, through the 'Supplier State' dropdown menu.
If you void or revert the receivable, you will need to void the transaction from the client ledger separately.
  1. Pay Supplier: Automatically record the transaction on your office ledger.

Once this action has been taken, you're able to:

  • Clone or Void the receivable, under the 'Actions' menu.
  • Revert the receivable to outstanding, through the 'Supplier State' dropdown menu.
If you void or revert the receivable, you will need to void the transaction from the client ledger separately.
  1. Raise Anticipated Supplier Payment: Automatically raise a supplier bill.

Once this action has been taken, you're able to:

  • Clone or Void the receivable, under the 'Actions' menu.
  • Revert the receivable to outstanding, through the 'Supplier State' dropdown menu.
If you void or revert the receivable you will need to void the raised bill separately.
  1. Mark as Paid: Manually mark the supplier as paid, without posting to the ledger or raising a bill

Once this action has been taken, you're able to:

  • Clone or Void the receivable, under the 'Actions' menu.
  • Revert the receivable to outstanding, through the 'Supplier State' dropdown menu.

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