Folder tab

The matter's Folder tab provides a single location to generate and find any correspondence related to the matter. This includes:

  • Documents
  • Emails
  • SMS Messages
  • Form Completions
  • Notes and Phone Calls

Generating Correspondence

Select the relevant icon at the top of the folder * to generate:

* For devices with smaller screens, these options will be located within the + New dropdown list.
  • Document - Select a document template to be saved back to the matter.
  • ​Form - Select a form widget to be used within the matter.
  • Email - Select or create a new email template to be sent from the matter.
  • SMS - Select or create a new SMS template to be sent from the matter.
  • Note - Create a note to be stored on the matter.
  • Phone Call - Log a phone call associated with the matter.

On the right hand side of the Folder, you have the the ability to:

  • Merge - Combine multiple documents into a single PDF file.
  • Attach - Add files from your device to the matter.

Finding Correspondence

The 100 most recent items will be displayed by default. Select 'Get More' to view further items.

Use the search bar to look up specific items within the matter.

The left hand menu allows you to filter by:

  • All - No filters will be applied.
  • Unlabelled - Items that have no labels applied.
  • Review Required - Items that have a review assigned against them.
  • Type - The type of item on the matter:
    • Emails
      You then have the option of filtering by emails that contain a particular stakeholder on the matter.
      Only stakeholders that are involved in email correspondence will be available within these filters.
    • Files
    • Form Completions
      Only forms created using our latest Form Builder will show within this filter.
    • Notes & Phone Calls
    • SMS
  • Labels - Items that have that label applied.
    Only labels that have been used on the matter will be displayed, sorted by most recently used.
  • Trash - Items that have been moved to the matter's trash


The following actions can be performed on items saved within the Folder tab:

Some options will only be available for specific types of items.
  • Select an email or document to display a preview of the correspondence.
  • Select the pin icon to fix the item to the top of the Folder tab.
    Pinned items will be arranged by the date the item was created/added to the Folder.
  • Select the label icon to apply up to 3 labels to the item.
  • Select the download icon to obtain a copy of the correspondence on your device.
  • The '...' icon contains the following options:
    • Open in popout - Opens the item in a popout window.
    • Open in a new tab - Opens the item in a new browser tab
      This is helpful if you wish to view multiple items across different screens.
      • Items can also be opened in a new tab through the following actions:
        • Hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on the item within the Folder tab
        • Hover over the item within the Folder tab and click your mouse scroll wheel
        • Right click on the item within the Folder tab and 'open in new tab'
    • Resubmit - Recomplete a form submission within the matter.
      This functionality is only available for forms using our latest Form Builder.
    • Download - Downloads the item onto your device.
    • Assign for Review - Select a staff member to review the item.
    • Rename - Allows you to rename the item.
    • Move to trash - Moves the item to the folder's trash can
      This removes the item from the main Folder but it can still be restored if needed.

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