Matters V2 report

The V2 Matters report is a new, more powerful version of the original Matters report. It allows you to report across multiple templates, use advanced filtering and choose the ordering of data.

The Matters report allows you to choose specific data points to report on from across your matters and contacts.

This is the perfect tool for building bespoke reports for your organisation.

Building the Matters Report

  1. (Optional) Report On: filter the results by matters associated with a particular template
  2. (Optional) Including the:
    1. choose the number of stakeholders you wish to include in the report (1 - 4)
    2. choose the stakeholder type or group that you wish to report on
  3. (Optional) + Condition: filter the results by data saved to the matter or contact:
    1. If more than one condition is being applied, choose whether All or Any of the conditions need to be true
    2. Choose the data you wish to filter by, i.e. Created Date
    3. Choose the manner in which you wish to filter the data i.e. On or After
    4. Depending on the selection chosen, enter the value you wish to filter against i.e. '01/01/2025'
    In the example above, the results would be filtered by matters which were created on or after January 01st 2025.
    You can apply as many filters as required.
  4. (Optional) + Group: filter the results by an additional set of filters:
    1. Follow steps a-d above
    2. At the top of the condition applicator, choose whether All or Any of the groups need to be true
  5. (Optional) Edit Columns: choose the data that should be included within the report:
    1. Use the search bar to find specific data points or select from the following groups:
      1. Matter: default data provided by the InTouch system
      2. Matter address: data on the matter's address
      3. Matter accounts: data from the accounts on the matter
        These fields are only applicable if your organisation's making use of the Xero integration.
      4. Matter - ... :  data from the matter's custom fields
      5. Task: data on the tasks of a matter
      6. Contact - ... : data from the chosen stakeholder's contact card
    2. On the right hand side, drag and drop to order the data within the report
    3. Confirm
  6. Run
Save the report's configuration so it can be easily accessed moving forwards.
For further guidance on building the V2 Matters Report, watch our short training video!

Understanding the Matters Report

The table provides the requested data for each applicable matter.

Use the arrows to navigate through additional pages of data.

Export this data to a .csv file to perform further analysis.

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