All Categories > Reports
The Conversions Report provides a bar graph and comparison table for the number of matters converted to the s tate Lead, Opened, Completed and Aborted across selected time periods. This is an essenti…
The Matters Report allows you to choose specific data points to report on from across your matters and contacts. For a more configurable reporting experience, try our V2 Matters report. It provides a…
The V2 Matters report is a new, more powerful version of the original Matters report. It allows you to report across multiple templates, use advanced filtering and choose the ordering of data. The Ma…
The Contacts Report can be used to obtain data on the stakeholders associated with your matters. This is a great way of obtaining contact information for marketing purposes. Building the Contacts Rep…
The Custom Data Report provides a bar graph displaying the range and quantity of data saved to a Custom Field. This is a quick way of viewing how your data is distributed, for example, how many freeh…
The Timeframe Report quickly calculates the average period of time taken between: A matter being created and a specific task being completed. Two specific tasks being completed. This helps you to und…
The Weekly Key Dates Report displays the number of matters with a custom date due within a defined time period. This allows you to easily track your teams critical deadlines, such as the number of ex…
The Matter State Reports display the number of matters converted to a particular state within a selected time period. This data is grouped by the matter's associated template, team, fee earner or abo…
The Tasks Completed Report displays the number of specific tasks that have been marked as completed within a chosen time period. This report allows you to monitor productivity, identify bottlenecks a…
The Tasks Outstanding Report displays the number of uncompleted tasks within a chosen time period. This report allows you to monitor productivity, identify bottlenecks and implement efficiencies. Bui…
The Tasks Breakdown Report displays the number of completions for a specific task within a chosen time period. This allows you to easily compare the number of different users completing a specific ta…
The Tasks Comparison Report displays the number of specific task completions made by a defined set of users. This allows you to easily identify each user's contribution to task completions. Building…
The Form Submissions Report displays the number of times forms have been submitted within a chosen time period. This allows you to easily view and compare engagement levels for forms embedded on your…
The Stakeholder Tracking Report provides a list of stakeholders who have accessed their InTouch portal across a selected time period. A great tool for monitoring and ensuring consistent stakeholder e…
The Time Recording Report allows you to obtain a list of time recording entries that have been raised on InTouch. An efficient way of tracking the billable time spent on your matters. Building the Ti…
Reports can be saved within InTouch, so their configuration can be easily accessed moving forwards. We recommend saving any reports that are run on a regular basis! This feature is not available on a…