All Categories > Matters
Within InTouch a matter can be one of 6 different states : Lead. The matter is not yet confirmed. When creating a new matter , you will be asked whether it should be set as lead or open. Matters open…
There are two ways to open a Matter on InTouch: From a matter template. From a form. From a matter template. Navigate to the InTouch homepage. Select the InTouch logo in the top left corner or the 'M…
The Tasks tab of a matter provides a list of tasks related to a transaction. Select the checkbox next to a task to mark it as complete. Some tasks may have automated actions assigned to them. The tas…
The matter's Folder tab provides a single location to generate and find any correspondence related to the matter. This includes: Documents. Emails. SMS Messages. Form Completions. Notes and Phone Cal…
A Folder's trash can allows users to remove items from the matter's Folder without them being permanently deleted. This ensures you always retain a full copy of all correspondence related to a matter…
Documents can be generated on a matter in 2 ways: From a task. This requires the document template to be embedded into the matter's task list. From the Folder tab. From a task. Within a matter, selec…
Emails can be generated on a matter in 2 ways: From a task. This requires the email template to be embedded into the matter's task list. From the Folder tab. From a task. Within a matter, select the…
When an email is sent through InTouch, it's journey is tracked on the matter. The delivery report is shown to the right hand side of the email on the matter. The four possible stages of an email jour…
Forms can be completed on a matter in 3 ways: From a task. This requires the form to be embedded into the matter's task list. From the Folder tab. By a third party. A great way of collecting informat…
There are three places you can add notes to on a matter: The Folder tab. These notes are saved to your correspondence list and are a great way of providing internal updates on a matter. The Sticky No…
To attach an external file to a matter: Select the Folder tab. Select Attach in the top toolbar. Choose the file you wish to attach. You can also drag and drop documents straight from your computer.…
Emails and their attachments can be added to a matter on InTouch in 3 different ways: Automatically, using an email transport rule. Automatically, using the Outlook Plugin. Manually, by sending the e…
Information collected through a transaction can be saved back to a matter through the use of data markers. This information can then be automatically recalled in your templates, forms and be reported…
Third party services allow you to order from an integrated provider directly from your matter on InTouch. These can can be accessed on a matter in 2 ways: From a task This requires a Search task to b…
Locking a matter can restrict other users from being able to access the case. Great for when you are acting on both sides of a transaction. The users that will be able to access the matter depends on…
The History tab of a matter details a list of changes that have been made to the case. The audit trail includes details on: The time and date of the change. The change that was made. The user who mad…
Changing a matter template allows you to convert the current template of a matter to a different one. This is particularly useful if you are collecting general lead information from a website and the…
Automated emails can be used to keep your stakeholders up to date on their transaction. There are four automated emails you can make use of: Configure the content of these emails within your email se…
Individual matters can be exported at any time. All documents, emails and information on the matter will be compressed into a Zip file which can then be accessed outside of InTouch. To request an exp…
An ITR code acts as a unique identifier for a matter on InTouch. It can be used to: Search for matters within the InTouch homepage. Attach emails directly to the matter on InTouch. The code is formed…
There are 2 ways to link your InTouch matters to external systems: From the matter's URL. From a unique URL that works from your matter's reference. Unique URLs. To find a URL for a specific matter:…