Notification Email Addresses

Manage the email notifications for your organisation by vising Settings > Administration > Email Addresses.

You will require permission to 'Edit Organisation Settings' to access this page.

InTouch Billing

Enter an email address that will be sent your InTouch invoice each month.

If left blank, this will be sent to the billing address provided when we set up your organisations account.

Client Accounts

Enter an email address that will be notified of breaches and payment syncing issues.

This can also be set within your accounts settings. Any changes to either of these fields will sync to both locations.

Automation Expert

Enter an email address that will be notified of any background configuration issues.

Service Transactions

Specify a central email address that will be notified of updates to service transactions.

If this is not set, the email will be sent to the fee earner.

Individual service notification emails can be configured within your Notification Settings.

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